Every week, I share my time, love, expertise, and energy leading the MettaFitFam Club through transformative healing practices in nature around Silicon Valley, California. I built this community from the ground up to enhance my student's workplace well-being at Meta (formerly known as Facebook).
We now have over 350 members.
What we do:
The MettaFitFam club & community is a place where we are working to create inclusive structures, and foster new identities, and inclusive narratives that support one another. We have generated the art of inclusion that reframes our individual and group identities and rejects narratives that pit us against each other.
Our club & community supports the creation of structures of inclusion that recognize and accommodate differences, rather than seek to erase them. We have developed practices that co-create music, movement, and voices without denying our deep interrelationships with each other.
Belonging grounds us so that we can then lean in, lift up, journey together and make music and lyrics with those who are different from ourselves.
The Transformative Learning Practices I lead include:
Dance, Music, Yoga, Mindfulness, Nature, and Dialogue
Club Member Testimonials:
“Thank you, Elizabeth for organizing the amazing hikes and always being inclusive and supportive. I have been changed by the Mettafitfam both physically and mentally in so many positive ways!”
“The best non-work-related experiences I’ve had are the weekend hikes with the MettaFitFam Club led by Elizabeth Brewer. They really helped my mental well-being and sense of belonging and community while I was away from home. Elizabeth is excellent at conceiving of, organizing, and leading recreational/reflective experiences.”
“The club has provided a space where we can share time, food, and experiences with each other. This allows us to build community and understand different perspectives while generating a sense of inclusion and belonging.”
“I have never been in a group this welcoming, loving, and inspiring. I can always make new friends on the weekend hikes.”
“I have met so many amazing co-workers and made at least ten close friends through the club events.”
“This club helped to broaden my perspectives and be more inclusive by going around the circle and answering the same question, which helps me see different peoples' perspectives”
“This club has inspired me to achieve a perspective of abundance.”
“I have realized that including everyone has huge benefits. I have learned not to judge a book by its cover.”
“There are activities to do every weekend, and I see mettafitfam people at the gym every day, I am glad there are people I recognize at the office especially since a lot of people on my team work remotely”
“Hanging out with this group of mindful people almost every day has helped me see a much bigger world as I learn from their perspectives. I love how everyone is so open about sharing their deep thoughts and personal experiences.”
The MettaFitFam Community Impact
Our Community
Our community has created practices that develop a sense of belonging and acceptance of ALL members of our community from different parts of the world, sexual orientations, religious backgrounds, and cultural beliefs.
The importance of Belonging
What is it?
Human beings with a sense of belonging feel socially connected, supported, and respected. At work, they feel a sense of ‘home’ and ‘safety’ in the workplace. They are not worried about being treated as a stereotype and are confident that they are seen as a person of value.
Why does it matter?
Employees who are confident they belong and are valued at work can engage more fully in the workplace. They are more open to critical feedback, take more significant advantage of work opportunities, build important relationships, and generally have more positive attitudes about their place of work. In turn, they are more likely to persevere in the face of difficulty.
When employees have questions about their belonging they search for cues in their environment to signal whether or not they fit in and are valued at work.
Our Social Artistry